Member since ‎07-17-2023

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  • 188 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 2 Helpful votes Given
  • 11 Helpful votes Received
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Hello Team,I have a cisco asa firewall connected to ISP. I have allowed internet access of downstream devices on the asa.I have a case where, servers downstream are able to browse internet, but not able to ping for example there an acl res...
Hello guys, below is my topology,I have added internet fw  and introduced ISP on site B.Before site B resources/ servers would go via mpls to site a to access internet.I introduced the above to make each site use its own isp respectively.I ran to cha...
Hello Guys,Am setting up cisco asa 5555x, needed help with mgmt setup and be able to ssh from a different subnet.have configured mgmt interface, give security level 100, /24 mgmt subnet. it can pick its default g/w but nothing else outside the g/w.wh...
Hello Team, on site A i have one virtual fmc managing 2 physical ftd - site A, and one virtual ftd site-B. Both ofcourse have different policies since they are in different sites.I have introduced a virtual fmc on site B, and would wish to have virtu...
Hello Team,I have below topology : -I have ipsec vpn from on-prem to aws cloud. the two endpoints  [,] work fine as they are allowed on the encryption domain.I have users using remote vpn to connect to on-prem dc to a...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-17-2023 01:27 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-24-2024 10:54 PM
Posts 188
Total Helpful Votes Received 11
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Community Spotlight Award
English Community Rookie, Aug-Oct 2023
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