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Member since ‎05-16-2017

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I thought I was running the readiness check from the CLI (i had done in the past) except this time it force the firewall to perform the upgrade.  Did I do something wrong?  root@FTD5525:/home/admin# sudo ==detach ==readiness-check /...
I have a C3120X and there is a route that will not remove from the device.  MIC0001-BL#sh ip routeDefault gateway is Gateway Last Use Total Uses Interface10.8.1.1 1:32 8 Vlan10050.116.52.97 0:02 28 Vlan10010.8.8.19 1...
I'm not really sure why or what has changed.   We have a 3120X-S that is not able to reach anything outside its network but external sources are able to reach the file share that resides on the blade.  Here is the config information: #sh runBuilding ...
ASA5555-X unit fans rev up high to normal continuoisly. The screen detail attached is from an old IOS but includes what is seen on the unit.  Looking to see if others have had this issue & resolved.   Upon start up the RPMs are in the high 4K range. ...
Has any one expereienced high fan rev up & down for ASA5555X.  Fans on unit rev up & down either just sitting unattached to the network or on the network.   Unit is running latest ASDM 7...151 & latest IOS 982.
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Member Since ‎05-16-2017 11:16 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-12-2024 12:06 AM
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