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Member since ‎04-08-2003

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Hi, our serial interface recently went down and I'm trying to figure out why but I'm not sure what the lights on the card mean. The lights on the card are LP, AL, CD. The LP light is blank, the AL light is orange, and the CD light is green, but bo...
We're using a PIX 515 6.3(5) and we currently have our telecommuters using PPTP VPN connections to work from home or on the road. Users that are buying new machines with Windows Vista are having a hard time connecting to our network and I think it h...
I'm a little unsure about how our servers are configured on our DMZ and I want to know if our setup is the best practice or if I'm doing it completely wrong.We have 3 servers on our DMZ - 2 IIS/webservers, and 1 front end Exchange server. Each serve...
I was under the impression that any session initiated from inside the PIX going out would allow that traffic to come back through the PIX without any additional ACL's. We are trying to access an FTP site from inside but cannot do so. When trying to...
We have two sites that is currently connected VIA a PIX-to-PIX IPsec VPN tunnel so that we can transfer data back and forth. The transmission rate is too slow for our needs though so we recently purchased a dedicated T1. My question is will our cur...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-08-2003 03:46 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 62
Total Helpful Votes Received 3
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