Is it possible to install a VIC 1227 in a BE7000M4 and use UCS Manager Direct Mode management? The BE7k doesn't show up in UCS Manager 2.2(3) in this configuration despite following the C240 documentation.
Why the recommendation to use a strip size of 128KB on RAID 5 arrays on rack servers? Per UCS documentation there doesn't appear to be a performance increase until 256KB. The recommendation is here:
I want to use the Jabber configuration URL to set Jabber parameters for end users. The Deployment Guide doesn't seem to differentiate between client types, so I'm wondering if it works for all OSs - Windows, Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Android.
Working on a CoW deployment where we will split IM&P subclusters across the WAN. The SRND indicates we should allot 5 Mbps between servers in a subcluster, and 5 Mbps between subclusters. Have you been seeing this type of bandwidth between IM&P serve...
After moving the VIC from slot 3 to slot 2 UCS Manager now sees it and is going through discovery. We may have just been confused in the documentation. Per UCS Manager notes any slot should be supported with the M4, but maybe that's just system board...
FI ports are enabled and configured as server ports and show as up. Odd thing is that another C240M4 (ordered as a C240) came right up but the BE7000 (C240-M4S2) will not.