Hello, I'm searching two 48 ports switches that support LACP cross-stacking with more than 8 groups (I need 10-12 groups). I need a switch with a fair price to do the LACP.Thanks a lot,Ludovic
Hello, does anybody know if I can setup a cross-stack LACP between two stacked C2960S-48TS-L(with the additional stack module) ?If it is, is there any limit (ports or groups limits)?Thanks a lot,Ludovic
Hello,I'm trying to block the L2TP over IPSEC,and allow Clientless VPN for a group from the Active Directory (with a radius server).But I've failed to deny the ipsec access...I have two groups that have a differents class.25 attributes:CN=IPSEC_user;...
Hello,I just created a remote access vpn on my ASA5510 "8.4(2)8". But I'm not sure the exception for the NAT is correct, it's working but it's more about the security (with the old version I used explicit exception rules).In the lan side there is a s...
Ok I just found it: 24 groups max, for c2960x http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/switches/lan/catalyst2960x/software/15.0_2_EX/layer2/configuration_guide/b_lay2_152ex_2960-x_cg_chapter_010.html#con_1275881
Hi Herbert, thx for the answer.I have it, I just added in the radius class 25 attribute "OU=grouppolicyname;"I.E. for SSL only in the radius classe 25 attribute I have "OU=WebSSLGroup;CN=WebSSL_user;"
FYI, If you use IP-sec over L2TP you can try to activate the protocol MS-CHAP-V2 on the RA profile, and use the normal l2tp over ipsec client on the mac (not the IPSec for cisco).Hope this will help you.