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Member since ‎10-27-2008

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I feel really weird asking this.  It goes against everything I think I know about networking, but the guy telling me this is a CCNP, so I gotta figure either I'm wrong, or I'm completely missing something.  We have VMs with several network interfaces...
I cannot find a Solaris FC driver for UCS, and some old posts I found while Googling suggest that others have been able to install Solaris.  However, my Solaris installer cannot see any HBAs.  What am I missing?  The UCS config works, this same blade...
The web UI for UCS management is ridiculously slow.  It takes, literally, minutes to do anything.  The laptop I'm using is a Precision M6800 with eight cores and 32 GB RAM and doesn't show any undue CPU, memory, disk, or network load.  I'm using Fire...
We've got an Ethernet router (2911) that's taking errors on Gi0/0, which is connected to an encryptor.  The errors are dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors  The description I'm finding by Googling isn't helping a whole lot... "A count of frames for whic...
The DHCP server my Macs use is not on the local subnet.  In my firewall rules, I allow traffic from the DHCP server address UDP 67 to local UDP 68, and that works... until it doesn't.  Every now and then, I find a machine with a zeroconf address and ...
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Member Since ‎10-27-2008 04:58 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-02-2024 04:24 AM
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