George Creaser
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Member since ‎01-26-2010

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                   JRE is included with the Cisco IP Communicator installation. Is there any reference info with the JRE version that comes with certain versions of IP communicator? And can you explain how it verifies, and/or upgrads the version of J...
One of our 7937g IP conference station phones has lost it's MAC address and now registers in CM as 000000000001 as the MAC. Don't know how this happened. Has anyone seen this happen? Is it fixable? Tried resetting to factory defaults, but still the s...
When i browse to the CCMAdmin for the Publisher server (CUCM 7.1.2) it asks for the certificate and then goes to a blank "done" page. Can access the Subscriber OK. The System Reports on the Subscriber state that the hosts files don't match, but it ap...
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Member Since ‎01-26-2010 03:48 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 8