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Member since ‎03-08-2006

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  • 126 Posts
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Hi,Just after some "best practice" advice on the following: We have two 3750's(3750E-24TD-S) stacked, and a 7200 w/NPE -G1 - We are wanting to connect two of the GigE ports of the NPE to both 3750's(In case one switch fails) - We currently have it se...
Hi,We are in the process of migrating our inter-pop links from ATM to ETH.Existing QOS setup is:class-map match-any GOLD match mpls experimental topmost 5 match ip precedence 5 class-map match-any SILVER match mpls experimental topmost 4 class-ma...
Hi,We have a client co-lo environment, and were recently hit by a clients server that was infected with SQL Slammer worm - It generated 100Mb/sec traffic, and bought our 7206VXR G1 to it's knees.All client servers are currently connected to Cat4K's +...
Hi,We have recently had a QinQ link provisioned, but have noticed mtu issues when testing.The link is terminated on 2950's(Trunk Ports) at each end, with the 2950's then connected(Also trunk ports) to 7204VXRs, and the various vlans broken out into d...
Hi,We have recently had a 50Mb ethernet service provisioned between 2 POPS - Latency is approx. 13m/sec.Testing the service, we are only able to achieve ~800K/sec (FTP+HTTP between 2 Linux boxes) in a single session(If we run multiple tests simultane...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-08-2006 02:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 126
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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