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Member since ‎05-03-2011

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Is anyone else having the same issue with the spa525g2 on uc320w where the date is ahead by 1 day? This is not happening with my other spa508g phones but only my spa525g2 phones. For some weird reason the date shows up 1 day ahead but the time is cor...
I have 2 uc320w in seperate locations. Is there a way to be able to communicate between one another. Can a person from site a call a person from site b both using spa phones on a uc320w simply by dialing an extension? Would appreciate any help.
Does anyone know how you can add your own custom background image to the spa525g2? Before upgrading to the uc320w the spa9000 let you easily log into the spa525g2 web interface and downloand an image for you screen, now with the uc320w that part is g...
UC320w external dialingHello I am working on a uc320w with firmware 2.0.6 (10) making a day and night auto attendant. I have already recorded my prompts for day and night and have done the work to make them be in the order we need them to be. Now whe...
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Member Since ‎05-03-2011 08:20 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 13
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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