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Member since ‎06-20-2024

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I was looking through the downloads section and noticed that IOS-XE 17.12.4 is now suggested for install on the 9407R Supervisor Engine-1.I also noticed that in the software on chassis section it only suggests 17.9.5. Anyone know why this is or what ...
class-map match-all SCAVENGERmatch ip dscp cs1 Assuming I have a policy map and service policy applying QoS to switchports and interfaces between routers etc.How does the device know what "SCAVENGER" traffic is? Its a variable term with no meaning. I...
I have DHCP Snooping configured with SG and DAI.I have the Snooping database saved to a remote server.Everything is working fine for the most part but I had inadvertently deleted the ip dhcp snooping vlan command from my config. Once I put the comman...
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Member Since ‎06-20-2024 12:29 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-23-2024 11:20 AM
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