Jack G
Level 1
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Member since ‎08-31-2010

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  • 78 Posts
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I'm having intermittent issues on a few machines after upgrading from Secure Client 5.0.x to and upgraded the Umbrella roaming client to the Umbrella module. I even removed everything, reinstalled just the VPN core, and the Windows ...
Have a situation where the user connects to the VPN with SBL (it connects fine), but when they login to the computer, they have to open Secure Client again and connect to the VPN all over. Thoughts on why it's not staying connected after workstation ...
I'm interested in deploying Easy Connect via ISE-PIC Essentials. Seems pretty simple from a wired perspective, but does it work with wireless? We use Aironet's with one acting as a WLC. Switches are catalysts. 
I configured RAVPN with SAML authentication. I'm using external browser and Azure/Entra for the identity provider. From an Azure/Entra joined computer, I tried to use "Start VPN when Cisco Secure Client is started", but I'm being prompted for usernam...
Per the documentation, what can be local certificate be used for? Can it be used to ensure the machine connecting to the VPN is a member of the domain or is there a better way to go about that? Don't have an ISE deployment. I can't seem to find addit...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-31-2010 09:38 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-19-2024 12:05 AM
Posts 78
Total Helpful Votes Received 21
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