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Member since ‎02-03-2007

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Hi all,Just wanting to clarify the theory of creating specific ACL on an ASA and FWSM to allow traffic from a high security level(inside security 100) to a low security level (outside security 0).I understand that the idea is to narrow and filter spe...
Hi,Just wondering if EIGRP chooses between routed vs trunked links with difference priorities and why?The scenario could be two links from a 3750 connected to 3 hops each way with the same BW each way but one link attached to this 3750 is routed whil...
Hi,We have a problem on newly installed 3750's whereby we also have recently had new Dell PC's causing the CPU processes to reach 100% when they are rebooted. The high CPU % is only noticed when the NIC's are restarted.WOL has been disabled and the ...
Hi,I have got a cable modem (model above) connected via ethernet to a C871 with 1 Fastethernet port and 4 L2 ports.I have configured the following so that I can ping the gateway of my ISP. I have been given a static IP address.Router#sh runBuilding c...
Hi All,I have a Cisco 877 with 1 adsl port and 4 fastethernet ports. A cable modem (ISP)is to be connected via RJ45 to one of the Fastethernet ports supplying an internet connection (wrong HW being used I know). Another port will be sitting on an In...
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Member Since ‎02-03-2007 03:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-19-2021 12:01 AM
Posts 18
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