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Member since ‎07-18-2006

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   Hello,          I am looking for the OID for the upstatus of interfaces on the Nexus 2k, 5k and 7k switches. We are trying to verify the up status of the these switches that are controlled by another customer. They are allowing SNMP to query the d...
We have 2 3750 24 port fiber switches in a stack and we would like to change the member to become the master. Both are running the same IOS and they are alive on the network. I read that you can change the who becomes the master by setting the priori...
Hello,    I have a 1760 modular access router that has a username and password configured on the box and I do not know the password. I have tried the password recovery instructions from Cisco (ctrl+break key within 60 seconds of booting the router) b...
Hello...I am running LMS 3.2 with RME 4.3.1, CV 6.1.9, CM 5.2.1 and CS 3.3. I am getting RISC0001 errors, "Internal Error, unable to process the collected data from the device" when performing an inventory. I have over 50 devices on one ciscoworks bo...
Hello,     Can someone tell me where I can get the xml file from Cisco's website so that we can run EoL/EoS reports? I tried the help in Resource Manager Essentials and it does show a link to the file on Cisco's website, but it does not work. Our ser...
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Member Since ‎07-18-2006 04:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-03-2018 02:32 PM
Posts 106
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