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Member since ‎02-05-2003

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Hi all,In the output of sh ip bgp, "e" would never appear at end of the output becuase EGP is not in use any more. I am just curious as to why it still exists in description part when it does not at all appear in the output.Thank you,Ram
Hello there!I am not able to find out the info related to the numbers under "H" column in output of sh ip eigrp nei command. I tried cisco command references but in vain. Could some one kindly help me understand?Thank you...Ramchander Kunta
Greetings!!If I have a /30 subnet, say x.x.x.0/30, I will use .1 & .2 and cannot use .0 since it is subnet and .3 cannot be used since it is a broadcast ip address.But, instead, if I further subnet the /30 to /32, I will get four ip addresses, .1, .2...
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Member Since ‎02-05-2003 02:04 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-18-2018 12:03 AM
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