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Member since ‎08-20-2009

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I have a cisco 871w wireless router/switch.  I have an ssid set up and clients can connect and access network/internet resources EXCEPT for anything other wireless device on the access point.From a wireless client (ipad, iphone, or laptop) i can ping...
I am trying to figure out the best way to handle:we are being requested to set up a pc on our corporate network to be able to establish a remote access vpn (through vpn client) to a partner network (their head end vpn server) so that a user on our ne...
Hello,I am trying to set up a site to site vpn tunneling all traffic through the vpn tunnel to the main site.  I have looked at the forum posts many times but apparently too dense to see what is needed.  The tunnel comes up and i can pass traffic acr...
Hi all....hope i didnt miss anything simple here...but have an nbar issue...sorry if this is long winded....just wanted to provide info.i have ip nbar protocol-discovery on my interfaces along with cef.  when i do a sh ip nbar protocol-discovery stat...
I have a catalyst 6509 as our core switch and our 7 location mpls WAN comes into a fast ethernet port on the 6509...the mpls port size is 10Mb and each location has a t1.I am trying to figure out how to classify traffic and ultimatly apply policy to ...
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Member Since ‎08-20-2009 07:31 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 16
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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