Hi allis it possible to change the "No Answer Ring Duration" on several lines using BAT? This parameters seems to be missing if I try to change it using the "update line" utillity in BAT...BAT version: 5.1(3)Cheers Patrick
I had the exact same issues of services (especially the apic-em-jboss one) that stuck in starting state.Installing the newest release fixed this. No Internet or public NTP (I used our internal NTP) connection required.Best regardsPatrick
Hiif the ip phones you connect to switch are not even powering up, the problem could be with your NM-16ESW-PWR... what does the cmd "Router#show power inline" give as output?=> http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/iosswrel/ps1839/products_feature_g...
Apart from the given solutions in the other thread you could also specify a translation pattern on the callmanager and translate (prefix) the "calling party number"...Patrick