Arnaud Launay
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Member since ‎07-12-2012

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Hello, We just got a bunch of new SG300, which are now at HW version V04 . In firmware release notes there are details about change between V01 and V02, but nothing above. So: - what are the differences between HW V02 and HW V03 - what are the diff...
Hello, We recently bought a SPA525G2-EU phone, which is running firmware 7.5.6c. Date/time is displayed as "07/22 01:44p" , which obviously don't suit us. I can't find any option to modify this format, is it hidden somewhere ? Thanks,Arnaud.
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Member Since ‎07-12-2012 05:36 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-15-2018 03:07 AM
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