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Member since ‎10-31-2012

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I thought PVDMs were used for transcoding and voice conferencing sessions between different phones registered in CME / CUCM, but I think I'm wrong. I set up Cisco IP Communicator on two separate Windows computers and both registered witch CUCM 8.6 su...
I have a Cisco 2650XM router with an NM-2V module with one VIC-2FXO and one VIC-2FXS card in it. I'm very new to Cisco voice stuff and want to get started with it. I'm trying to pool the PVDMs on this router into a DSP farm so that they can be used i...
I have an ethernet cable on Fa0/0 connecting my 1841 router to my cable modem. The issue is that the router cannot obtain an IP address via DHCP when I have the "ACL-OUTSIDE-IN" ACL applied inbound on the Fa0/0 interface. I tried to allow all BOOTP a...
I'm trying to use an AS2509-RJ access server router to console into other Cisco devices I have.            I did a "show line" after booting the device but did not see any async "TTY" lines with any baud rates excpet for the AUX port:Router#sh line  ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-31-2012 08:29 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 12