Hi All,recently we upgraded code on asr9k from 4.3.2 to 5.3.4, after upgrading to 5.3.4 everyday it is generating below alertany suggestions on how to deactivate this alarm?RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 7 14:16:28.886 : licmgr[316]: %LICENSE-LICMGR-4-PACKAGE_L...
I need to allow ip prefix matching from prefix-set allow-ilg1-pfx and ( as-path-originates123 or as-path-originates 321)
will below statement work as I expected
elseif destination in allow-ilg1-pfx and as-path originates-from '123' or as-...
Hi All,
we had a 3000 lines of ACL that is applied to the interface ,
CPU on the switch spiking to 100% and i see below logs on the switch.
CPU seems to 100% for most of the time , for temporary fix we removed the acl which bought down the CPU...
type "show switch" on the switch it will show you which switch is master
LAB12CS1# show switchH/W CurrentSwitch# Role Mac Address Priority Version State----------------------------------------------------------*1 Master 0018.bd60.de00 15 1 Ready2 ...