Hi Meddane,
For reference,
@Meddane wrote:
Does it means that VPWS is used for spoke and spoke architecture whike the VPLS is used for Hub to spoke ?
Hi Mosiur,
Do you see traffic on attachment circuit (GigabitEthernet0/0/3.3001) on both the peer routers? Check if the counters are incrementing
show ethernet service instance id 3001 interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3.3001 detail << to match traffic ...
You can refer below Cisco documentation for L3VPN - SR TE.
Could you please share output of below CLI once, I will have a quick look.
show crypto ca trustpool detail
@wj343 wrote:
Running IOS XR 6.4.2, received this cryptic message in my logs today from both RSP's:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Sep 10 14:01:16.0...