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Member since ‎09-21-2004

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Hi, I configured the new PRI with mgcp.When i dial the DID number the calls get conncted to the router and giving the dial tone,its not passing the digits to the call manager.Thanks,gnan.
We have CCM 4.1 and IPCC express 3.5 co-resident with AD integration we have user created for RMCM subsystem and configured the same but the subsystem RMCM subsytem is always in initiazing state we have verified the username and password using ccmuse...
we have icm7.0,ccm4.1 and ipivr.We have an issue when we login to ctios client the dekstop does not respond and grayed out.All the desktop and in different vlan and we are able to ping the icm servers.We also gave the ipcc server subnet to the pc and...
Dear All, We have IPCC Express 4.0.4 sr1 and it is working fine. We have a new requirement to integrate with database created a system DSN and created database with table and also used DBGET,DBREAD,DBWRITE and DBRELEASE but facing some pro...
we have ipcc express 3.5.2.There is requirement where in customer wants to use time of day and day of week in the script for saturday and sunday to play a message and call has to be disconnected other days the call has to land to the csq.Please let m...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-21-2004 01:13 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 54
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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