nicolas figaro
Level 1
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Member since ‎01-24-2011

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Hello, I'd like to know if it is possible to configure a cluster with asymetric topology. for example let's say I have nodeA in Datacenter A and nodeB ind Datacenter B. Both nodes are connected to the same local LANs, but nodeA ge0/0 is connected to...
Hi, Is it possible to check the spf cache for a source IP and recipient email address ?The message tracking shows the DMARC validation, but not the detail. (as there is no DKIM for this domain, I assume SPF is the faulty test).version is ironport clo...
Hi,I'm currently trying to configure OSPF between my asa contexts.The goal is to get one context receive external routes from an external router, then have another context receive the routesusing OSPF between both context via a shared interface.Stati...
Hi all, I configured anyconnect using the asdm wizard, but I can't get acces to internal ressources. The connection is established, but packet-tracer shows that the communication is dropped due to the following :Phase: 7Type: WEBVPN-SVCSubtype: inRes...
Hi all,I configured an asa to redirect http traffic to an ironport device via wccp. The ironport is supposed to authenticate via ntlm sso, but it works only with internet explorer.I did a network trace and the first answer to both browsers is the sam...
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Member Since ‎01-24-2011 10:13 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
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Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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