What are the specific conditions that need to be met, in order to trigger this bug?
We are running this under a trial for a new client on Windows 2012 so want to avoid any negative impact, and although we are yet to see a BSOD (fingers crossed...
I am trying to sync and NTP master to a more relaible time source.I have tried internal servers and internet based time servers and they are all coming back with validty test failures.Config is as follows:ntp source Loopback99ntp access-group serve 4...
Chetan,All QOS marking (IP precedence and DSCP) is preserved through the firewall and is not remarked.Running a capture on the FWSM (link below instructs how), you can save these and veiw in wireshark to see inside the packets.http://www.cisco.com/en...
HiYou can configure Failover on sub-interfaces as long as the physical interface is dedicated to failover.I.e. you can have 2 vlans one for lan based failover and one for state.If you are using the same physical interface for any other vlans i.e. ins...
Richard,What mode are you runnning the ASA in Routed or Transparent?In routed mode you typically need to have 2 unique ip addresses for each interface, a primary ip and a standby ip.i.e.interface e0/0 nameif outside ip add st...
Hi,What code version are you running on the PIX?Are you getting any ftp connections at all through the PIX?Are you inspecting FTP traffic on the PIX? You will need this enabled for it to work due to the dynamic nature of FTP.Depending on the code ver...
What devices etc you using to implement NAC? Are you using ACS Server? or NAC Appliance?What mode of NAC are you using? L2 dot1x; L2 IP or L3 IP?What authentication are you using? (Take a look at your settings under System Config -> Global Authentica...