Tim Roelands
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Member since ‎11-04-2008

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Hi!Using a Cisco 800 series router we would like to fine tune the configured DHCP server for IP phone use. IP Phones get there profile by using Auto Provisioning (AP). Every brand has it's own AP profile path trough option 66 (TFTP). So DHCP provides...
Hi,I'm stuck in the following situation. I have:Two SF300 Switches (SRW224G4P-K9-EU)Two Gigabit Ethernet SX Mini-GBIC SFP Transceivers (MGBSX1)Two 3 mtr Fiber cables LC -> ST (50FIBLCST3 StarTech)Two ST Connectors (715297 st fiber connector)The purpo...
Hi,I have upgrade our Cisco 892F from version: Version 15.1(2r)T1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)toVersion 15.3(3)M, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2) Reason is that the router suddenly rebooted, looks like a bug in the IOS. Crashinfo shows an Unexpected execption to C...
Hi,Most examples of NAT translation using an ASA 8.4 are based on servers within a DMZ. In my case it's not because the mailserver also functions as an data and Active Directory server for my local domain.             If tried to config the ASA for a...
Whenever my ASA boots, it needs more then one attempt to load the IOS. It starts doing it over and over again (mostly 4 or 5 times) At the end, it succeeds and I have a prompt. Doing some research, this does not look oke is it?ciscoasa# sh bootBOOT v...
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Member Since ‎11-04-2008 11:22 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
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