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Member since ‎09-05-2006

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There are specific Users in the bank that send credit card information to the other users. Although, the information gets encrypted if the user put the word "Confidential" in the Subject of the email, but sometimes users forget to put  Confidential w...
Hi,I have a setup where there are vpn users conecting the network resources through outside. They VPN HeadEnd appliance is ASA. They are getting authenticated through ACS which is integrated through LDAP. Now i want to perform authorization through A...
I need to see the real time cpu , memory and disk utilization of MARS.Also is that possible to see it on the dashboard.RegardsTalha Ghouri
I have my Windows server connected with the following configuration but it does not send any logs.I have atttached the snapshots alsoOverride detected DNS name with :  ----> The ip address of the serverDestination snare server address : ----> the ip ...
I have FWSM Module 4.2 on my core swicth. I have purchased MARS. when i add the module into my 6509 it shows FWSM 3.2 maximum. How can i add my FWSM which is running the latest release.
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Member Since ‎09-05-2006 01:13 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-24-2019 02:49 AM
Posts 97
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