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Member since ‎12-06-2001

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Hi, I'm a little taken aback at how difficult this is and I'm wondering if I'm missing something right under my nose.  I set up several IP SLAs to monitor RTT on our WAN links and they work fine ... if you log in and type "show ip sla statistics." W...
I come from Snort IDS so pardon my confusion. I have been asked by my boss(es) to trim down the number of alerts we are seeing by culling false positives and perhaps adjusting thresholds. My problem is simply that my first step in determining the v...
Hello all, as part of normal IDS alert investigations we're looking for a sniffer to complement the Netranger. I realize that this is a little bit off-topic so if anyone wants to respond privately that is fine (twigles at yahoo dt com). Basically s...
Hey all, before I start writing a script to roll alerts into syslog I figured I'd make sure the box (4230) could syslog to my server. I changed /etc/syslog.conf to include the line:local0,local1,local2,local3.debug @loghostThis started...
Hello all, I'm trying to figure out where someone plugged our sensor's monitoring interface in so I can span the port. Unfortunately no one described the interface and I can't find any docs with that info. So I figured I could grab the MAC address ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-06-2001 10:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-15-2018 02:19 AM
Posts 41
Total Helpful Votes Received 16
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