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Member since ‎01-17-2012

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Dear community, Sorry for this very basic question, I'm a beginner and I think that I'm missing something very basic  I have a N9K-9396TX on my home lab with NX-OS version 9.3(6), I'm trying learning about VRF and I'm trying to configure some interfa...
Hi experts, I'm newbie with ASA firewalls. I have an ASA 5506-X with version 9.9(2)27. I'm trying to do a very simple configuration, two interfaces with one network on each one. The ASA is in routed mode, and I'm able to connect from a machine "A" fr...
We have an ASA5520 configured with a IPSec VPN, from any ADSL home/office our VPN clients can connect without any problem, but when we use our cellular phones in tetering mode (as an accesspoint) our VPN clients are impossible to connect. Same machin...
Hello,     I have one ASA5520 with version 8.4(3), and a few ACL rules defined. One ACL is permit traffic from one interface(EXT_SERVICE) to another interface(DMZ_SERVICE), if i change that rule to deny traffic, all new connections that match the rul...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-17-2012 03:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-31-2020 04:35 PM
Posts 16
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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