Pavel Pokorny
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-25-2011

User Statistics

  • 145 Posts
  • 8 Solutions
  • 10 Helpful votes Given
  • 22 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Dear all,Please advice in one thing. Imagine I am looking for user which is causing most of the connections over my firewall.On ASA I was using simple commands (where 500 is number of connections per ip address):sh local-host connection udp 500 | i l...
Dear all, Please advice, what are possibilities. AsIs situation: ASA with webvpn configured on outside interface. This is pretty standard solution which is working for many years. ToBe situation: add possibility to connect via VPN client on inside in...
Dear all, I was searching Internet for facts about ASA 5545-X. Several sources claims (ie., that 5545 is almost the about the CPU distrubution: 5545-...
Dear all, I have question. Situation: ASA1 - ip address (internet routable) ASA2 - ip address (RFC1918) and NATed Address is routed from internet to address I want to make ipsec tunnel between those...
Dear all,Accidentaly I have discovered, that idle timeout on ASA not always works as I expected.Can somebody explain me, why I can see something like this (addresses changed, but time info remained)?UDP outside: inside:
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-25-2011 05:43 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-30-2024 11:15 AM
Posts 145
Total Helpful Votes Received 22
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