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Member since ‎08-27-2007

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Hello to all,my 3005 concentrator has many IKE proposals opted, but the 3002 client is not matching up on any. Here is a sample of the 3005 concentrator event log - 9375 09/26/2007 20:17:41.800 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=52540 Proposal # 1, Transform # 17, ...
Hello, I am connecting to the concentrator fine with PPTP, the user that is failing is a HW client which is a GROUP, using a group name and user name that are different than me. When I set "authentication" to none, the HW client connects. When I set ...
Hello to all,My 3002 client successfully passes the IKE phase 1, but I get the following error. The client is listed as a GROUP and not a USER17404 09/22/2007 20:22:19.180 SEV=3 AUTH/80 RPT=22134 A user attempted to log on using only group credential...
Hello to all,Does this mean there is a "SA" mismatch ?48903 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19531 Proposal # 1, Transform # 1, Type ISAKMP, Id IKEParsing received transform: Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 1: Mismatched at...
Hello to all,My PC is behind a router, a VPN 3002 is also behind my router.My PC can successfully ping the concentrator that is at a remote location. The VPN 3002 cannot.Please help.
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Member Since ‎08-27-2007 05:29 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 9