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IKE failure

Level 1
Level 1

Hello to all,

Does this mean there is a "SA" mismatch ?

48903 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19531

Proposal # 1, Transform # 1, Type ISAKMP, Id IKE

Parsing received transform:

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 1:

Mismatched attr types for class Hash Alg:

Rcv'd: SHA

Cfg'd: MD5

48907 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19532

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 2:

Mismatched attr types for class Hash Alg:

Rcv'd: SHA

Cfg'd: MD5

48909 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19533

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 3:

Mismatched attr types for class DH Group:

Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2

Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1

48912 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19534

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 4:

Mismatched attr types for class DH Group:

Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2

Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1

48915 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19535

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 5:

Mismatched attr types for class DH Group:

Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2

Cfg'd: Oakley Group 7

48918 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19536

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 6:

Mismatched attr types for class Hash Alg:

Rcv'd: SHA

Cfg'd: MD5

48920 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19537

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 7:

Mismatched attr types for class DH Group:

Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2

Cfg'd: Oakley Group 5

48923 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19538

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 8:

Mismatched attr types for class Encryption Alg:

Rcv'd: Triple-DES

Cfg'd: AES

48926 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19539

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 9:

Mismatched attr types for class Encryption Alg:

Rcv'd: Triple-DES

Cfg'd: AES

48929 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19540

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 10:

Key Length attr class cfg'd, but did not receive attr

48931 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19541

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 11:

Key Length attr class cfg'd, but did not receive attr

48933 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19542

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 12:

Key Length attr class cfg'd, but did not receive attr

48935 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19543

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 13:

Mismatched attr types for class DH Group:

Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2

Cfg'd: Oakley Group 5

48938 09/20/2007 22:07:01.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/79 RPT=19544

Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 14:

Mismatched attr types for class Auth Method:

Rcv'd: XAUTH with Preshared Key (Initiator authenticated)

Cfg'd: HYBRID with RSA signatures (Initiator authenticated)

If so, please help

2 Replies 2

Level 1
Level 1

It appears that your two endpoints are not configured to use the same IKE attributes for phase 1. Check the configurations on both devices and ensure that they match.

mate i would add something to the previous post.....your IKE phase one is not establish and the reson for that is (after looking from th epost of your's) that DH groups are miss matched....check DH groupds setting on both side it shd match.........regards....please rate all post