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Member since ‎07-19-2015

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Hello, we have unboxed c1111-p4 router  with ios-xe 16.9.5 (Fuji) with bootstrap 16.9(1r) install on it. For now Cisco recommends to install 17.3.3 MD. Please help us  to find right documentation for this task, or explain shortly how to solve this is...
Hello I need monitor C Series servers. What tools I can use to do it?
I use ISE 2.4.0 Tacacs+ service for authentication  of Prime 3.4.0 users.We also use same  ISE 2.4.0 TACACS+ service for network device management. Initially when I added network devices in Prime  inventory I've used  my tacacs+ credentials.After Tha...
In PI3.1 there is topology layout scheme : Orthogonal.Now i need to upgrade to 3.7.  Can you check if that type of layout is present in it? P.S. I tried 3.4 and there is not.
Hello, I have an issue with new c2960C-8TC-L switch.G0/1 and G0/2 port doesn't works while interfaces work in rj45 mode.Same interfaces work well in "SFP" mode. Have you any idea? 
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Member Since ‎07-19-2015 11:17 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-29-2023 05:09 AM
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