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Member since ‎07-21-2015

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I've recently deployed a 2x CBS350-48FP-4X stack and the CPU is pinned at 100% during production hours. There's a 2x CBS350-24FP-4X stack in the same location at the access layer with an almost identical config and that thing is fine.This problem exi...
Hope you can help meWe have moved our Distribution traffic from a Pair of stacked WS-C3750G-48TS switches to a Pair of Stacked WS-C3850-24T late last year. All switch interface configs were moved like for like from the old stack to the new stack and ...
Hello all,I have a situation where I want to allow traffic from one segregated network using private IPs (using Google DNS) to internal LAN (using local DNS) both are using the  same firewall. I am using ASA 5516 and has 2 external interfaces one on ...
Hi i have a one of the above deployed in our DC with Static routing currently configured. ASA Version 9.8(1) We are having AWS direct connect installed and i plan to terminate into this firewall however this will require BGP Protocol that is current...
Hi  Wonder if you can help me as you have been superb in the Past. I have an Cisco ASA 5585-X Firewall that i have migrated the config manually from 8.2.(5)9 to 8.4(6) ready to upgrade to the latest version . All NAT translations have all been rebu...
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Member Since ‎07-21-2015 02:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-08-2024 12:01 AM
Posts 18
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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