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Member since ‎12-21-2001

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I'm looking to configure a PIX (v6.2) to accept connections from various IPSec VPN clients which will be connection from dynamily assigned IP addresses (no way to predict ranges). The clients will be anything from xDSL routers to dialup clients. (In ...
In summary, what are the differences between LocalDirector and CSS? Where shoul done use one and not the other?
Is it possible for users logging on to a NT Domain or Active Directory to be automatically allocated certain access rights through a Pix for the duration of their session logged into their workstation? I know that something close to this can be done ...
Can a Pix talk directly to Windows NT Domain or Active Directory for user authentication purposes? In other words can it do it *without* connecting via a RADIUS or TACACS program placed in between (such as Cisco Secure ACS)?
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Member Since ‎12-21-2001 11:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 10