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Member since ‎11-16-2011

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Hi,I'm having an issue with a redhat 6.2 cluster installation and I know it's down to the IGMP Snooping on the Fabric Interconnect.I've read all the forums and support but I'm still having issues and could do with an IGMP wizard to give me a bit of a...
Hi All,Just a quick one - is anyone using FC to connect the 6248s to their IOMs ? I've reached the dreaded limit of the twinax cables.I can see it's supported but just want to check the configuration changes needed as I'm in a full production environ...
Hi Guys,Just trying to get to the bottom of what this requires to fix.I understand what it''s telling me and I was just going to reset the CIMC but on investigation I am a little confused..It states in the early paragraphs that once the memory is deg...
Hi Guys,Just a quick questionI've let my Firmware lapse a little 2.0(1t) and need to get a 2.0 (3) version on for my new B200M3s.Can I jump from 2.0 (1t) to 2.0 (3b) in one go or do I need to go to 2.0 (2) in between. (Production environment 6248s / ...
Hi, I've been reading the forums and taking advice and I want to configure Enhanced Zoning on my fabrics.Can somebody confirm that Cisco 6248s can operate in enhanced zoning mode ?Whenever I configure it, it fails to activate on the VSAN - even thoug...
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Member Since ‎11-16-2011 01:24 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 14