saurabh joshi
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Member since ‎12-25-2007

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I am trying to configure cisco 3800 as NTP server for all Juniper MX router clientsPerpose is to server the clock to all Juniper routers.But i m facing weird issue.. All Juniper routers are getting synch with Cisco 3800 but there is difference of 30 ...
Any idea on Cisco MSTP interoperatiblity with Juniper RSTP.??
Hello,I am in situation to establish BFD with BGP between Juniper and CIsco.Please find the below config at both end.However i am not able to see the Session established between the two.My bgp session is up.Any help will be appreciated.Junoslocal-add...
Hello Experts,Can somebody brief on why Domain-Tag or Domain-Ids are required when we use OSPF as CE-PE protocol.Also my 30 sites connected to two different MPLS providers. Say Provider-A and B.Provider-A is primary for all traffic and B links are ba...
Hello experts,I m used to Juniper boxes.Recently started on cisco.Can somebody provide some documentation/link for cisco routers hardware how can we check the available hardware we use show chassis hardware in Juniper, we have FI...
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Member Since ‎12-25-2007 07:55 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-02-2020 05:33 AM
Posts 19