Majed Al-Masri
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎07-02-2012

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  • 18 Posts
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Dears, I am using ASA5520 in active/standby failover... when we connect through console or telnet and write ant "show" command, it is very slow in viewing the output !!!  thanks,Majed
Hello,I have a cisco router configured with pptp vpn.I can connect to vpn on the router and establish connections to internal servers in the LAN.on the other hand, the user connected to the vpn on the cisco router cant access the internet!can anyone ...
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Member Since ‎07-02-2012 05:39 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-08-2020 08:41 PM
Posts 18
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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