Level 7
Level 7
Member since ‎05-23-2005

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  • 1597 Posts
  • 73 Solutions
  • 348 Helpful votes Given
  • 694 Helpful votes Received
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Hi Folks,Please can someone clarify whether are there any compatibility issues between Cisco Spark Board and stanalone MX800 with regards to calls using SIP.I am not able to make calls from the MX800 using the SIP URI and Cisco Spark cannot call me u...
Hi Guys, Please i would like to have your input whether is it possible to have a VPC between the VDC's which are running on two physical boxes. I know that we can configure 8 VDC's per box and assuming two boxes each divided into 2 VDC's. The requir...
Dear Gents, I am confused about the above terms and highly appreciate if someone can explain them in plain english.From my side i understand them as below. E1:This is a digital circuit provided by the telco which can be used for voice or data. T1:Sa...
Hi, Please i need to clarify how the bgp next hop will behave in the below topology. Imagine that i have 5 Routers R1,R2,R3,R4,R5 and R4 and R5 are provider routers.R2 is peering with R4 with EBGP and with R1 IBGP. R4 is peering with R5 EBGP and R1 ...
Hi, Please need your support to understand how the router does the longest prefix matching process. I sort of confused about this. Thanks
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-23-2005 02:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-19-2019 11:02 PM
Posts 1,597
Total Helpful Votes Received 694
Community Spotlight Award
Mobile App Contributor December 2012