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Member since ‎08-25-2010

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I  bought a UCS chassis with two blades that are 'qualified' for Cisco  Voice products (cm, ccx, etc)....     i decided to not buy the $20,000  worth of VMWARE enterprise pro licenses and the v1000 switch... since  the ROI is simply not there (I'd ra...
I bought a UCS chassis with two blades that are 'qualified' for Cisco Voice products (cm, ccx, etc)....     i decided to not buy the $20,000 worth of VMWARE enterprise pro licenses and the v1000 switch... since the ROI is simply not there (I'd rather...
So my upgrade from 7.X to 8.X IPCC failed because Cisco isn't (yet) supporting the hardware (DL380G6) they told me buy for 7.x...     My regional Cisco rep said they are seeing that the latest version says should work (but TAC doesn't agree/ know thi...
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Member Since ‎08-25-2010 05:13 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 3