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Member since ‎10-11-2007

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Can we enable policing such that no single user exceeds 1mbps bandwidth in a given subnet. any way other than specifying individual IP
Need to NAT all ports on a given public IP to a particular port on a private IP ,on router platform.for example.    Public IP ports 1-65XXX get forwarded to Private IP port 8888.Thanks and Regards.
I have a single multiaccess style interface on the central site from the SP and have multiple spokes.Multipoint GRE DMVPN is configured.DMVPN binding  goes to the tunnel interface(just like this
I have a topology as follows.I have one central router and many branches connecting to it through ethernet ,serial media.I am looking for a way to report the link changes during a period and the list of events when a particular branch went down.and t...
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Member Since ‎10-11-2007 03:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 9