Hello,How would I call a telco service number beginning with a *, from a Cisco IP-phone connected to the UC540?I cannot seem to add numbers with * in the outgoing dial plan in CCA 3.2Thank in advance!Johnny
Hello,I have configured one blast group for all (7) employees which is linked to the companies main phone number.I have configured Night Service schedule to forward calls to an external mobile number. Unfortunately this number can only be configured ...
Hello,I am using CCA to configure a UC540 with SPA509 phones.In the CCA it is not possible to define a label for a watch- or monitor-button, like a normal speeddial button.Is this possible through the CLI?Thanks in advance.
Thanks. I'll contact the SBCS when I am at the customer next time.Eventually it is my goal to do much more CLI in the future, but it is too different from routing/switching so in the mean time I will call SBCS for these issues and continue reading th...
Hi David,Thank you for your reply,could you explain your method 1 in a bit more detail? Are you able to do this through the CCA?I think your second method is what I allready have at the moment, but in this case the call is only transferred if there i...
Just to make sure, in your first sentence, you are talking about forwarding the nightservice to internal extension right?Sounds like a logical solution and I will give it a try.Thank you!