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Member since ‎03-25-2006

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Hi All,Is it possible to have two DRs in a LAN? I have a L2 switch connected to a router which is elected as a DR, the streamers are connected to the same Switch. i need to connect another router to the same L2 switch and distribute the stream to ano...
Hi,I am planning to upgrade an ME3800 switch with IOS ( flash:/me380x-universal-mz.122-52.EY3/me380x-universal-mz.122-52.EY3.bin) to a new version. curruntly the switch has MetroIPServices activated. I downloaded the new version from the cisco web si...
Hi All,I have a small setup of few clients that accress a database server, on the database there is an account for each client and one administrator account. the database developer advised that the current administrator password can not be changed. I...
Hi All,If i have two PE MPLS routers connected via Layer 2 switches and these switches provide only layer2 VLAN transport between these PE routers. Is it possible to configure DSCP based qos on the layer 2 switches to provide different kind of servic...
Hi All,Is it possible to apply the below configuration on ME3800 switch. I need to use the switch just to aggregate the traffic coming from three ports each with separate VLAN and switch them through dot1q trunk link to the other site.i dont have any...
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Member Since ‎03-25-2006 01:04 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 79
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