Jules Sanchez
Level 1
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Member since ‎12-20-2010

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  • 16 Posts
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Hi fellow network guys,I'm an old guy and been in this game for a while.Ran many enterprise networks and an ISP.I'm looking at moving my ISP to be IPv6 capable.There is a massive amount of information out there, what I'm looking for is some advice fr...
Hi all,I'm scratching my head at this one, I'm sure it's something simple though.The network is completely dynamic, very standard MPLS Layer3 VPNs etc..The network has been disconnected.Yet Router1 learns it via BGP from Router2.And Rout...
hi all,having an issue with redistributing routes learned from ebgp provider (connected/default).i'm receiving all the right routes via bgp with no issues, I just can't seem to get them into the local routing table.here's my ospf config;router ospf 1...
Hi all,I'm trying to log usernames when users login.I can see them when they log out, but logging in only shows the interface.See below;LOGOUTAug  8 10:34:02 81279: *Aug  8 00:19:56.756: %VPDN-6-CLOSED: L2TP LNS R1 closed  user dude@dude...
Hello,I'm trying to exchange routes with a pppoe-client.My Cisco which terminates L2TP and pppoe is listing the following debug message;RIP: ignored v2 packet from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (not enabled on Virtual-Access5)So it' seems that the RIP packets are ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-20-2010 03:41 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-11-2018 12:38 AM
Posts 16
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