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Member since ‎03-01-2005

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We are having an issue now where we cannot change phones ringtones.   What happend was we had to install a new cop file so that our 8851 phones could see the 88xx KEM after uploading the cop file we restarted tftp services on our 2 TFTP servers. The ...
This issue is when we set up a new user on the CUE. They press the MSG button put in the Default pin and start the Automatic Enrolment. the user will go through all the steps Personalising their msg. But when you call the extension and go to voicemai...
I am having an Issue where if I press the MSG button on the phone it asks me for an user ID instead of the PIN not sure why this is happening now as it did work befor.                 
I am having an Issue where if I press the MSG button on the phone it asks me for an user ID instead of the PIN not sure why this is happening now as it did work befor.                  
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Member Since ‎03-01-2005 09:13 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-19-2018 06:36 AM
Posts 10