11-06-2012 03:39 AM - edited 03-16-2019 02:02 PM
I am having an Issue where if I press the MSG button on the phone it asks me for an user ID instead of the PIN not sure why this is happening now as it did work befor.
11-06-2012 03:44 AM
Check CUE configuration for the user from which phone you're calling.
11-06-2012 03:46 AM
All the users have been created and it happens to all I have even deleted and recreated to no avail
11-06-2012 03:50 AM
Check again that user has an associated phone number, and that CME configuration has not been changed, so that calling number is normally sent.
11-06-2012 03:55 AM
Create a username and pin in the CME like this
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
number 4336
label Lalesh Kabade
name Lalesh Kabade
call-forward busy 4400
call-forward noan 4400 timeout 10
ephone 2
mac-address 1833.9D15.36D2
ephone-template 1
username "LaleshKabade" password 1234
type 7965
button 1:5
and go to CUE GUI - after login - go to Administrator - synchronize Information - u can see the 4336 select this and say synchronize,
then go to Configure - user - u can see 4336 - select this - give a primary number - assign pin and password - go to mailbox say create a mail box and assign the size of the mail box - then try to access voicemail after pressing Message button on the ip phone
11-06-2012 04:03 AM
CUE Creation
username Kyra create
username Nishel create
username Kyra phonenumber "1953"
username Nishel phonenumber "1923"
username Kyra phonenumberE164 "1953"
username Nishel phonenumberE164 "1923"
voicemail mailbox owner "Kyra" size 3000
description "Kyra mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Nishel" size 3000
description "Nishel mailbox"
end mailbox
CME End user
ephone-dn 58 dual-line
number 1953
label Kyra Antrobus
description 1953
name Kyra Antrobus
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 24 dual-line
number 1923
label Nishel Rambau
description 1923
name Nishel Rambau
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
11-06-2012 04:17 AM
can u share a Sh run
and did u define the pin and password in the CUE GUI in when u create a users.
11-06-2012 04:27 AM
Current configuration : 35022 bytes
! Last configuration change at 11:53:59 SAST Tue Nov 6 2012
version 15.0
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname GRE001-JP-BRY-HQ_2921
boot system flash:c2900-universalk9_npe-mz.SPA.150-1.M3.bin
card type e1 0 0
enable password d1data
no aaa new-model
clock timezone SAST 2
network-clock-participate wic 0
network-clock-select 1 E1 0/0/0
no ipv6 cef
ip source-route
ip cef
no ip domain lookup
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type primary-net5
voice-card 0
dsp services dspfarm
voice call send-alert
voice rtp send-recv
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback none
no h225 timeout keepalive
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
codec preference 2 g729r8
voice logout-profile 1
number 9000 type normal
voice logout-profile 2
number 9001 type normal
voice user-profile 1
user 1906 password 12345
number 1906 type normal
voice user-profile 2
user 1908 password 12345
number 1908 type normal
voice user-profile 3
user 1933 password 12345
number 1933 type normal
voice user-profile 4
user 1903 password 12345
number 1903 type normal
voice user-profile 5
user 1913 password 3232
number 1913 type normal
voice user-profile 6
user 1912 password Saffron
number 1912 type normal
voice user-profile 7
user 1915 password 12345
number 1915 type normal
voice user-profile 8
user 1929 password 12345
number 1929 type normal
voice user-profile 9
user 1918 password 12345
number 1918 type normal
voice user-profile 10
user 1907 password 12345
number 1907 type normal
voice user-profile 11
user 1921 password 6154
number 1921 type normal
voice user-profile 12
user 1922 password 12345
number 1922 type normal
voice user-profile 13
user 1917 password 12345
number 1917 type normal
voice user-profile 14
number 1908 type normal
voice user-profile 15
user 1936 password 668466
number 1936 type normal
voice user-profile 16
user 1926 password 12345
number 1926 type normal
voice user-profile 17
user 1927 password 12234
number 1927 type normal
voice user-profile 18
user 1928 password 12345
number 1928 type normal
voice user-profile 19
user 1909 password 12345
number 1909 type normal
voice user-profile 20
user 1916 password 12345
number 1916 type normal
voice user-profile 22
user 1923 password 12345
number 1923 type normal
voice user-profile 23
user 1932 password 12345
number 1932 type normal
voice user-profile 24
user 1911 password 5271
number 1911 type normal
voice user-profile 25
user 1931 password 12050
number 1931 type normal
voice user-profile 26
user 1935 password 19222
number 1935 type normal
voice user-profile 27
user 1939 password 12345
number 1939 type normal
voice user-profile 28
user 1934 password khosi
number 1934 type normal
voice user-profile 29
user 1910 password 77777
number 1910 type normal
voice user-profile 30
user 1920 password 12345
number 1920 type normal
voice user-profile 31
user 1919 password 250646
number 1919 type normal
voice user-profile 32
user 1925 password 12345
number 1925 type normal
voice user-profile 33
user 1924 password 12345
number 1924 type normal
voice user-profile 34
user 1901 password 12345
number 1901 type normal
voice user-profile 35
user 1902 password 12345
number 1902 type normal
voice user-profile 36
user 1904 password 12345
number 1904 type normal
voice user-profile 37
user 1937 password 2536
number 1937 type normal
voice user-profile 38
user 1905 password 12345
number 1905 type normal
voice user-profile 39
user 1940 password 12345
number 1940 type normal
voice user-profile 40
user 1960 password 12345
number 1960,7300 type normal
speed-dial 1 1906 label "test"
voice user-profile 41
user 1941 password 12345
number 1941 type normal
voice user-profile 42
user 1942 password 12345
number 1942 type normal
voice user-profile 43
user 1943 password 12345
number 1943 type normal
voice user-profile 44
user 1944 password 12345
number 1944 type normal
voice user-profile 45
user 1945 password 3566
number 1945 type normal
voice user-profile 46
user 1930 password 12345
number 1930 type normal
voice user-profile 47
user 1946 password 12345
number 1946 type normal
voice user-profile 48
user 1947 password 12345
number 1947 type normal
voice user-profile 49
user 1948 password 12345
number 1948 type normal
voice user-profile 50
user 1949 password 12345
number 1949 type normal
voice user-profile 51
user 1950 password 12345
number 1950 type normal
voice user-profile 52
user 1951 password 12345
number 1951 type normal
voice user-profile 53
user 1952 password 12345
number 1952 type normal
voice user-profile 54
user 1953 password 12345
number 1953 type normal
voice user-profile 55
user 1954 password 12345
number 1954 type normal
voice user-profile 56
number 1905 type normal
voice user-profile 57
user 1956 password 12345
number 1956 type normal
voice user-profile 58
user 1955 password 12345
number 1955 type normal
voice user-profile 61
user 1900 password 12345
number 1900 type normal
voice user-profile 62
user 1961 password 2000
number 1961 type normal
voice user-profile 80
license udi pid CISCO2921/K9 sn FHK1427F4BS
hw-module pvdm 0/0
hw-module sm 1
controller E1 0/0/0
pri-group timeslots 1-31
description Connection to NEOTEL "PRI"
interface Loopback0
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
description Connection to LAN
no ip address
ip pim dense-mode
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.10
description Connection to LAN for Voice
encapsulation dot1Q 10
ip address
ip pim dense-mode
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.100
description Connection to LAN for DATA
encapsulation dot1Q 100
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial0/0/0:15
description Connection to NEOTEL "PRI"
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn overlap-receiving
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn sending-complete
no cdp enable
interface SM1/0
ip address
load-interval 30
service-module ip address
!Application: CUE Running on SM
service-module ip default-gateway
no keepalive
interface SM1/1
no ip address
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http authentication local
no ip http secure-server
ip http path flash:/gui
ip route SM1/0
tftp-server flash:html/appsui.js
tftp-server html
tftp-server html/common.js
tftp-server html/images
tftp-server html/images/logo.gif
tftp-server html/images/spacer.gif
tftp-server html/images/warning.gif
tftp-server html/images/Cisco_logo.gif
tftp-server html/images/Cisco_logo_2.gif
tftp-server html/Pkg1_Signed.cab
tftp-server html/Pkg1_Signed.jar
tftp-server html/localized_msgs1.js
tftp-server html/localized_msgs2.js
tftp-server html/localized_msgs3.js
tftp-server html/localized_msgs4.js
tftp-server html/localized_msgs5.js
tftp-server html/localized_msgs_popup.js
tftp-server flash:/admin_user.html
tftp-server flash:/admin_user.js
tftp-server flash:/CiscoLogo.gif
tftp-server flash:/Delete.gif
tftp-server flash:/dom.js
tftp-server flash:/downarrow.gif
tftp-server flash:/ephone_admin.html
tftp-server flash:/logohome.gif
tftp-server flash:/normal_user.html
tftp-server flash:/normal_user.js
tftp-server flash:/Plus.gif
tftp-server flash:/sxiconad.gif
tftp-server flash:/Tab.gif
tftp-server flash:/uparrow.gif
tftp-server flash:/xml-test.html
tftp-server flash:/xml.template
tftp-server flash:SXICONAD
tftp-server flash:SXICONAD.GIF
tftp-server flash:UPARROW.GIF
tftp-server flash:LOGOHOME.GIF
tftp-server flash:gui/admin_user.html
tftp-server flash:gui/admin_user.js
tftp-server flash:gui/CiscoLogo.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/Delete.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/dom.js
tftp-server flash:gui/downarrow.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/ephone_admin.html
tftp-server flash:gui/logohome.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/normal_user.html
tftp-server flash:gui/normal_user.js
tftp-server flash:gui/Plus.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/sxiconad.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/Tab.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/telephony_service.html
tftp-server flash:gui/uparrow.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/xml-test.html
tftp-server flash:gui/xml.template
tftp-server ringtones
tftp-server flash:term42.default.loads
tftp-server flash:B015-1-0-3.SBN
tftp-server flash:term62.default.loads
tftp-server flash:SCCP42.8-3-5S.loads
tftp-server flash:cvm11sccp.8-4-1-23.loads
tftp-server flash:term06.default.loads
tftp-server flash:term11.default.loads
tftp-server flash:term41.default.loads
tftp-server flash:term61.default.loads
voice-port 0/0/0:15
cptone ZA
description Connection to NEOTEL "PRI"
bearer-cap Speech
mgcp fax t38 ecm
sccp ccm group 1
associate profile 2 register cfbd0d0fd7919c0
associate profile 1 register TRNd0d0fd7919c0
associate profile 3 register MTPd0d0fd7919c0
keepalive retries 5
switchover method immediate
switchback method immediate
switchback interval 5
dspfarm profile 1 transcode
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729ar8
codec g729abr8
maximum sessions 1
associate application SCCP
dspfarm profile 2 conference
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729ar8
codec g729abr8
codec g729r8
codec g729br8
maximum sessions 4
associate application SCCP
dspfarm profile 3 mtp
codec g711ulaw
maximum sessions software 250
associate application SCCP
dial-peer cor custom
name Emergency
name Local
name National
name Cell
name International
dial-peer cor list Call-Emergency
member Emergency
dial-peer cor list Call-Local
member Local
dial-peer cor list Call-National
member National
dial-peer cor list Call-Cell
member Cell
dial-peer cor list Call-International
member Emergency
member Local
member National
member Cell
member International
dial-peer cor list GST
dial-peer cor list GST-E
member Emergency
dial-peer cor list GST-EL
member Emergency
member Local
dial-peer cor list GST-ELN
member Emergency
member Local
member National
dial-peer cor list GST-ELNC
member Emergency
member Local
member National
member Cell
dial-peer cor list GST-I
member Emergency
member Local
member National
member Cell
member International
dial-peer voice 98 voip
destination-pattern 19..
session target ipv4:
voice-class codec 1
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
dial-peer voice 99 voip
destination-pattern 20..
session target ipv4:
voice-class codec 1
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
no vad
dial-peer voice 100 voip
description VOice Mail
destination-pattern 8200
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 101 voip
description MWI
destination-pattern 8000
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 102 voip
description MWI
destination-pattern 8001
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 10 pots
corlist outgoing Call-Emergency
destination-pattern 10111
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 11 pots
corlist outgoing Call-Emergency
destination-pattern 08[2-47]112
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 12 pots
corlist outgoing Call-Emergency
destination-pattern 0[7-8]0T
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 13 pots
trunkgroup PSTN
corlist outgoing Call-Local
destination-pattern 01[01].......
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 15 pots
corlist outgoing Call-National
destination-pattern 0[1-6][0-9].......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 16 pots
corlist outgoing Call-National
destination-pattern 08[689].......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 17 pots
corlist outgoing Call-Cell
destination-pattern 08[1-47].......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 18 pots
corlist outgoing Call-Cell
destination-pattern 07[1-4689].......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 19 pots
corlist outgoing Call-International
destination-pattern 00T
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 14 pots
corlist outgoing Call-Local
destination-pattern 10...
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 21 pots
corlist outgoing Call-Cell
destination-pattern 0[78]1.......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 22 pots
corlist outgoing Call-National
destination-pattern 086[0-2]......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 24 pots
corlist outgoing Call-Cell
destination-pattern 082.......
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 23 pots
corlist outgoing Call-Emergency
destination-pattern 08[12]91.
port 0/0/0:15
forward-digits all
num-exp 1... 0110171...
sdspfarm units 3
sdspfarm transcode sessions 3
sdspfarm tag 1 MTPd0d0fd7919c0
sdspfarm tag 2 cfbd0d0fd7919c0
em keep-history
em logout 18:0
max-ephones 100
max-dn 100
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 50
auto assign 1 to 400
timeouts interdigit 8
timeouts busy 30
timeouts ringing 15
system message Welcome to Grey
url services
url authentication extenmob cisco
cnf-file location flash:
load 7915-12 B015-1-0-3
load 7915-24 B015-1-0-3
load 7911 term06.default.loads
load 7942 SCCP42.8-4-2S.loads
load 7962 SCCP42.8-4-2S.loads
load ata ATA030203sccp051201a.zup
time-zone 29
time-format 24
date-format dd-mm-yy
dialplan-pattern 1 0110171... extension-length 4
voicemail 8200
max-conferences 8 gain -6
moh music-on-hold.au
multicast moh port 16384 route
web admin system name Administrator
web admin customer name Grey password
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Nov 08 2010 15:55:12
ephone-template 1
softkeys idle Redial Newcall Cfwdall
softkeys seized Redial Endcall Cfwdall Callback
softkeys alerting Endcall Callback
softkeys connected Endcall Hold Trnsfer
ephone-dn 1 octo-line
number 1900
label Reception
description Reception
name Reception
call-forward noan 7000 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
corlist outgoing GST-I
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 1901
pickup-group 1
label Ahmed Loonat
description 1901
name Ahmed Loonat
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 1902
pickup-group 1
label Derek
description 1902
name Derek
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 1903
pickup-group 1
label Cathy Ireland
description 1903
name Cathy Ireland
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
number 1904
pickup-group 1
label Ben
description 1904
name Ben
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 6 dual-line
number 1905
pickup-group 1
label Dael
description 1905
name Dael
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 7 dual-line
number 1906
pickup-group 1
label Ayanda
description 1906
name Ayanda
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 8 dual-line
number 1907
pickup-group 1
label Jayson Dicks
description 1907
name Jayson Dicks
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 9 dual-line
number 1908
pickup-group 1
label Michell
description 1908
name Michell
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 10 dual-line
number 1909
pickup-group 1
label Confidence
description 1909
name Confidence
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 11 dual-line
number 1910
label Bianca Duff
description 1910
name Bianca Duff
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 12 dual-line
number 1911
label Dae
description 1911
name Dae
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 13 dual-line
number 1912
label Pam Smith
description 1912
name Pam Smith
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 14 dual-line
number 1913
label Chris Kostelac
description 1913
name Chris Kostelac
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 15 dual-line
number 1915
label Ashleigh
description 1915
name Ashleigh
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 16
number 1961
label Unused
description 1961
name Unused
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 10
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
hold-alert 30 originator
ephone-dn 17 dual-line
number 1916
label Niza Mzwakali
description 1916
name Niza Mzwakali
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 18 dual-line
number 1917
label Mqondisi
description 1917
name mqondisi
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 19 dual-line
number 1918
label Hillary
description 1918
name Hillary
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 20 dual-line
number 1919
label Ginny Osborne
description 1919
name Ginny Osborne
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 21 dual-line
number 1920
label Franciscoe Manyika
description 1920
name Franciscoe Manyika
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 22 dual-line
number 1921
label Florinah
description 1921
name Florinah
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 23 dual-line
number 1922
label Jennifer Stevenson
description 1922
name Jennifer Stevenson
call-forward busy 8200
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 24 dual-line
number 1923
label Nishel Rambau
description 1923
name Nishel Rambau
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 25 dual-line
number 1924
label Kumari
description 1924
name Kumari
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 26 dual-line
number 1925
label Kathleen Fisher
description 1925
name Kathleen Fisher
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 27 dual-line
number 1926
label Nadine
description 1926
name Nadine
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 28 dual-line
number 1927
label Nicci
description 1927
name Nicci
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 29 dual-line
number 1928
label Mzwakhe Ngwenya
description 1928
name Mzwakhe Ngwenya
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 30 dual-line
number 1929
label David Edworthy
description 1929
name David Edworthy
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 31 dual-line
number 1930
label Dael
description 1930
name Dael
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 32 dual-line
number 1931
label Priyah Pillay
description 1931
name Priyah Pillay
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 33 dual-line
number 1932
label Jackie Pitts
description 1932
name Jackie Pitts
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 34 dual-line
number 1933
label Warren
description 1933
name Warren
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 35 dual-line
number 1934
label Khosi Eland
description 1934
name Khosi Eland
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 36 dual-line
number 1935
label Phillips
description 1935
name Gabrielle
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 37
number 1936
description 1936
name Michell
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
night-service bell
ephone-dn 38 dual-line
number 1938
label spare
description 1938
name spare
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming Call-Emergency
ephone-dn 39 dual-line
number 1938
label spare
description 1938
name spare
call-forward busy 1900
call-forward noan 1900 timeout 15
corlist incoming Call-Emergency
ephone-dn 40 dual-line
number 1939
label Keshia
description 1939
name Keshia
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 41 dual-line
number 1941
label Eugene Davids
description 1941
name Eugene Davids
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 42 dual-line
number 1942
label pauline
description 1942
name Pauline
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 43
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 44
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 45
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 46 dual-line
number 1937
label Steve Hand
description 1937
name Steve Hand
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 47 dual-line
number 1946
label Fax 1946
name Fax 1946
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 48 dual-line
number 1940
label Bonginkosi Luvuno
description 1940
name Bonginkosi Luvuno
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 49 dual-line
number 1944
label Sue
description 1944
name Sue
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 50 dual-line
number 1943
label David
description 1943
name David Edworthy
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming Call-Emergency
ephone-dn 51 dual-line
number 1948
label Kameel
description 1948
name Kameel
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 52 dual-line
number 1951
label Beauty Nkambule
description 1951
name Beauty Nkambule
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming Call-Emergency
ephone-dn 53 dual-line
number 1947
label Lesego
description 1947
name Lesego
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 54 dual-line
number 1949
label Lunga
description 1949
name Lunga
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-I
ephone-dn 55 dual-line
number 1950
label Charlotte Dywaki
description 1950
name Charlotte Dywaki
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 56 dual-line
number 1945
label Lucinda Kodisang
description 1945
name lucinda Kodisang
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 57 dual-line
number 1952
label Wihan Meerholz
description 1952
name Wihan Meerholz
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 58 dual-line
number 1953
label Kyra Antrobus
description 1953
name Kyra Antrobus
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 59 dual-line
number 1954
label Rafiq
description 1954
name Rafiq
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 60 dual-line
number 7000
label 2nd Line
description 2nd Line
name 2nd Line
call-forward noan 7001 timeout 15
ephone-dn 61 dual-line
number 7001
label 3rd Line
description 3rd Line
name 3rd Line
call-forward noan 7002 timeout 15
ephone-dn 62 dual-line
number 7002
label 4th Line
description 4th Line
name 4th Line
call-forward noan 7003 timeout 15
ephone-dn 63 dual-line
number 7003
label 5th Line
description 5th Line
name 5th Line
call-forward busy 7004
call-forward noan 7004 timeout 15
ephone-dn 64 dual-line
number 7004
label 6th Line
description 6th Line
name 6th Line
call-forward busy 1900
call-forward noan 1900 timeout 15
ephone-dn 66 dual-line
number 1905
label Florinah
description 1905
name Florinah
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming GST-ELNC
ephone-dn 67 dual-line
number 1956
label Boardroom
description 1956
name Boardroom
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming Call-Emergency
ephone-dn 68 dual-line
number 1955
label Di Cole
description 1956
name Di Cole
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming Call-Emergency
ephone-dn 69 dual-line
number 9000
name Reception
corlist incoming GST-E
ephone-dn 70 dual-line
number 1960
label Didata
description 1960
name Didata
call-forward busy 8200
call-forward noan 8200 timeout 15
corlist incoming Call-Emergency
ephone-dn 99
number 8000....
mwi on
ephone-dn 100
number 8001....
mwi off
ephone 1
mac-address 18EF.639F.BF20
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 2
mac-address 18EF.639F.7163
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 3
mac-address 18EF.639F.BFB8
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 4
mac-address 18EF.639F.BC85
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 5
mac-address 18EF.639F.BF15
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 6
mac-address 18EF.639F.C56B
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 7
mac-address 0021.A085.3985
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 8
mac-address 0021.A086.2531
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 9
mac-address 18EF.639F.8242
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 10
mac-address 0021.A085.66FE
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 11
mac-address 0021.A086.F1BF
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 12
mac-address 0021.A085.377B
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 13
mac-address 0021.A086.F492
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 14
mac-address 0021.A086.7B76
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 15
mac-address 18EF.639F.BF32
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 16
mac-address 0021.A085.40D6
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 17
mac-address 0021.A085.377A
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 18
mac-address 0021.A085.38E2
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 19
mac-address 18EF.639F.BEAF
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 20
mac-address 0021.A086.7885
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 21
mac-address 0021.A085.397F
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 22
mac-address 0021.A085.3CFB
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 23
mac-address 18EF.639F.C20D
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 24
mac-address 18EF.639E.C281
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 25
mac-address 0021.A086.7AA7
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 26
mac-address 18EF.639F.81EB
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 27
mac-address 18EF.639F.BC5A
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 28
mac-address 0021.A086.79C1
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 29
mac-address 0021.A085.3B5D
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 30
mac-address 0021.A086.77C6
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 31
mac-address 0021.A0D7.643E
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 32
mac-address 0021.A085.4156
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 33
mac-address 18EF.639F.702A
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 34
mac-address 18EF.639F.81DF
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 35
mac-address 0021.A085.3964
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 36
mac-address 18EF.639E.DD83
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 37
mac-address A8B1.D4FA.FF2A
max-calls-per-button 2
type ata
button 1:6
ephone 38
mac-address B1D4.FAFF.2A01
max-calls-per-button 2
type ata
button 1:47
ephone 39
mac-address 18EF.639F.6D86
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 40
mac-address 18EF.639F.BECC
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 41
mac-address 18EF.639F.BFC3
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 42
mac-address A8B1.D41E.3759
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 3
blf-speed-dial 1 1902 label "1902"
blf-speed-dial 2 1906 label "1906"
blf-speed-dial 3 1937 label "1937"
blf-speed-dial 7 1902 label "Tim"
paging-dn 1
type 7962 addon 1 7915-24 2 7915-24
button 1:1 2:60 3:61 4:62
button 5:63 6:64 7m2 8m3
button 9m5 10m7 11m9 12m34
button 13m52 14m48 15m4 16m49
button 17m14 18m13 19m50 20m15
button 21m51 22m46 23m19 24m41
button 25m56 26m8 27m22 28m23
button 29m18 30m58 32m27 33m28
button 34m29 35m59 36m17 37m30
button 38m24 39m42 40m53 41m33
button 42m12 43m31 44m32 45m57
button 46m36 47m10 48m40 49m35
button 50m11 51m21 52m20 53m26
button 54m25
ephone 43
mac-address 18EF.639F.C2DD
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 44
mac-address 18EF.639F.89DE
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 45
mac-address 18EF.639F.8B62
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 46
mac-address 18EF.639F.8BD0
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 47
mac-address 18EF.639F.5749
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 48
mac-address 18EF.639E.DD1F
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 49
mac-address 18EF.639F.BFAC
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 50
mac-address 18EF.639E.C073
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 51
description 1944
mac-address 18EF.639F.C50B
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 52
mac-address 18EF.639F.6D7F
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 53
mac-address 18EF.639F.6CFB
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 54
mac-address 0021.A086.285E
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 55
mac-address 18EF.639F.713C
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 56
mac-address 18EF.639F.1701
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 57
mac-address 18EF.639F.1C0C
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 58
mac-address 18EF.639E.C380
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 59
mac-address 18EF.639F.1618
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 60
mac-address 18EF.639F.C149
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 61
mac-address 18EF.639F.8485
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 62
mac-address 18EF.639F.8847
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 63
mac-address 0021.A0D7.647A
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 64
mac-address 0021.A085.41BC
type 7911
logout-profile 1
ephone 65
mac-address 0021.A085.645A
type 7942
logout-profile 1
ephone 66
mac-address 0017.5A6D.E074
type 7912
button 1:16
11-06-2012 04:27 AM
se-11-11-11-31# sho runn
Generating configuration:
clock timezone Africa/Johannesburg
hostname se-11-11-11-31
line console
system language preferred "en_GB"
software download server url "" credentials hidden "6u/dKTN/hsEuSAEfw40XlF2eFHnZfyUTSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmP"
log trace local enable
license agent max-sessions 9
privilege ViewHistoricalReports create
privilege ManagePrompts create
privilege ManagePublicList create
privilege ViewPrivateList create
privilege vm-imap create
privilege manage-passwords create
privilege local-broadcast create
privilege manage-users create
privilege broadcast create
privilege ViewRealTimeReports create
groupname Broadcasters create
username Jennifer create
username Tshepiso create
username Nicola create
username Sam create
username Kyra create
username Helio create
username Alec create
username Colleen create
username Nishel create
username Neo create
username Annette create
username Niza create
username Varenka create
username Administrator create
username Franciscoe create
username Tim create
username Margaret create
username Amy create
username Steve create
username Reception create
username Terry create
username Beauty create
username Cathy create
username Kathleen create
username Mogorosi create
username AnnetteN create
username user create
username Sheila create
username Jayson create
username Bianca create
username Mzwakhe create
username Wynand create
username Ginny create
username Eugene create
username Kabelo create
username Bonginkosi create
username Ahmed create
username Wihan create
username Thandi create
username Leon create
username Lerato create
username Chris create
username David create
username Zinzi create
username Jennifers create
username Elisa create
username Khosi create
username Corle create
username Dennis create
username Paulus create
username Lucinda create
privilege ViewHistoricalReports description "Privilege to view historical reports"
privilege ManagePrompts description "Privilege to create, modify, or delete system prompts"
privilege ManagePublicList description "Privilege to manage public lists"
privilege ViewPrivateList description "Privilege to view private list"
*Nov 6 09:06:47.779: %IPPHONE-6-UNREGISTER_NORMAL: ephone-62:SEP18EF639F8847 IP: Socket:15 DeviceType:Phone has unregistered normally.privilege vm-imap description "Privilege to manage personal voicemail via IMAP client"
privilege manage-passwords description "Privilege to reset user passwords"
privilege local-broadcast description "Privilege to send local broadcast messages"
privilege manage-users description "Privilege to create, modify, and delete users and groups"
privilege broadcast description "Privilege to send local or remote broadcast messages"
privilege ViewRealTimeReports description "Privilege to view realtime reports"
privilege ViewHistoricalReports operation report.historical.view
privilege ManagePrompts operation system.debug
privilege ManagePrompts operation prompt.modify
privilege ManagePublicList operation system.debug
privilege ManagePublicList operation voicemail.lists.public
privilege ViewPrivateList operation voicemail.lists.private.view
privilege vm-imap operation voicemail.imap.user
privilege manage-passwords operation user.password
privilege manage-passwords operation system.debug
privilege manage-passwords operation user.pin
privilege local-broadcast operation broadcast.local
privilege local-broadcast operation system.debug
privilege manage-users operation user.password
privilege manage-users operation system.debug
privilege manage-users operation user.pin
privilege manage-users operation user.configuration
privilege manage-users operation user.notification
privilege manage-users operation user.mailbox
privilege manage-users operation user.remote
privilege manage-users operation group.configuration
privilege broadcast operation broadcast.local
privilege broadcast operation broadcast.remote
privilege broadcast operation system.debug
privilege ViewRealTimeReports operation report.realtime
groupname Administrators member Administrator
groupname Broadcasters privilege broadcast
username Jennifer phonenumber
username Tshepiso phonenumber "1935"
username Nicola phonenumber "1954"
username Sam phonenumber "1947"
username Kyra phonenumber "1953"
username Helio phonenumber "1944"
username Alec phonenumber "1905"
username Colleen phonenumber "1912"
username Nishel phonenumber "1923"
username Neo phonenumber "1929"
username Annette phonenumber "1908"
username Niza phonenumber "1916"
username Varenka phonenumber "1931"
username Franciscoe phonenumber "1920"
username Tim phonenumber "1902"
username Margaret phonenumber "1924"
username Amy phonenumber "1906"
username Steve phonenumber "1937"
username Reception phonenumber "1960"
username Terry phonenumber "1911"
username Beauty phonenumber "1946"
username Cathy phonenumber "1903"
username Kathleen phonenumber "1925"
username Mogorosi phonenumber "1927"
username AnnetteN phonenumber "1933"
username Sheila phonenumber "1932"
username Jayson phonenumber "1907"
username Bianca phonenumber "1910"
username Mzwakhe phonenumber "1928"
username Wynand phonenumber "1909"
username Ginny phonenumber "1919"
username Eugene phonenumber "1941"
username Kabelo phonenumber "1917"
username Bonginkosi phonenumber "1940"
username Wihan phonenumber "1952"
username Thandi phonenumber "1930"
username Leon phonenumber "1926"
username Lerato phonenumber "1961"
username Chris phonenumber "1913"
username David phonenumber "1948"
username Zinzi phonenumber "1939"
username Jennifers phonenumber "1922"
username Elisa phonenumber "1918"
username Khosi phonenumber "1934"
username Corle phonenumber "1915"
username Dennis phonenumber "1904"
username Paulus phonenumber "1942"
username Lucinda phonenumber "1945"
username Jennifer phonenumberE164 "1921"
username Tshepiso phonenumberE164 "1935"
username Nicola phonenumberE164 "1954"
username Sam phonenumberE164 "1947"
username Kyra phonenumberE164 "1953"
username Helio phonenumberE164 "1944"
username Alec phonenumberE164 "1905"
username Colleen phonenumberE164 "1912"
username Nishel phonenumberE164 "1923"
username Neo phonenumberE164 "1929"
username Annette phonenumberE164 "1908"
username Niza phonenumberE164 "1916"
username Varenka phonenumberE164 "1931"
username Franciscoe phonenumberE164 "1920"
username Tim phonenumberE164 "1902"
username Margaret phonenumberE164 "1924"
username Steve phonenumberE164 "1937"
username Reception phonenumberE164 "1960"
username Terry phonenumberE164 "1911"
username Beauty phonenumberE164 "1946"
username Cathy phonenumberE164 "1903"
username Kathleen phonenumberE164 "1925"
username Mogorosi phonenumberE164 "1927"
username AnnetteN phonenumberE164 "1933"
username Sheila phonenumberE164 "1932"
username Jayson phonenumberE164 "1907"
username Bianca phonenumberE164 "1910"
username Mzwakhe phonenumberE164 "1928"
username Wynand phonenumberE164 "1909"
username Ginny phonenumberE164 "1919"
username Eugene phonenumberE164 "1941"
username Kabelo phonenumberE164 "1917"
username Bonginkosi phonenumberE164 "1940"
username Ahmed phonenumberE164 "1901"
username Wihan phonenumberE164 "1952"
username Thandi phonenumberE164 "1930"
username Leon phonenumberE164 "1926"
username Lerato phonenumberE164 "1961"
username Chris phonenumberE164 "1913"
username David phonenumberE164 "1948"
username Zinzi phonenumberE164 "1939"
username Jennifers phonenumberE164 "1922"
username Elisa phonenumberE164 "1918"
username Khosi phonenumberE164 "1934"
username Corle phonenumberE164 "1915"
username Dennis phonenumberE164 "1904"
username Paulus phonenumberE164 "1942"
username Lucinda phonenumberE164 "1945"
restriction msg-notification create
restriction msg-notification min-digits 1
restriction msg-notification max-digits 30
restriction msg-notification dial-string preference 1 pattern * allowed
backup server url "" credentials hidden "EWlTygcMhYmjazXhE/VNXHCkplVV4KjescbDaLa4fl4WLSPFvv1rWUnfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmPSd8ZZNgd+Y9J3xlk2B35j0nfGWTYHfmP"
calendar biz-schedule systemschedule
open day 1 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 2 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 3 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 4 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 5 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 6 from 00:00 to 24:00
open day 7 from 00:00 to 24:00
end schedule
ccn application autoattendant aa
description "autoattendant"
maxsessions 32
script "aa.aef"
parameter "dialByExtnAnytime" "false"
parameter "busOpenPrompt" "AABusinessOpen.wav"
parameter "dialByExtnAnytimeInputLength" "4"
parameter "operExtn" "0"
parameter "welcomePrompt" "AAWelcome.wav"
parameter "disconnectAfterMenu" "false"
parameter "dialByFirstName" "false"
parameter "busClosedPrompt" "AABusinessClosed.wav"
parameter "allowExternalTransfers" "false"
parameter "holidayPrompt" "AAHolidayPrompt.wav"
parameter "businessSchedule" "systemschedule"
parameter "MaxRetry" "3"
end application
ccn application ciscomwiapplication aa
description "ciscomwiapplication"
maxsessions 32
script "setmwi.aef"
parameter "CallControlGroupID" "0"
parameter "strMWI_OFF_DN" "8001"
parameter "strMWI_ON_DN" "8000"
end application
ccn application msgnotification aa
description "msgnotification"
maxsessions 32
script "msgnotify.aef"
parameter "logoutUri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/mbxLogout.jsp"
parameter "DelayBeforeSendDTMF" "1"
end application
ccn application promptmgmt aa
description "promptmgmt"
maxsessions 32
script "promptmgmt.aef"
parameter "appManagementScript" ""
end application
ccn application voicemail aa
description "voicemail"
maxsessions 32
script "voicebrowser.aef"
parameter "uri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/login.vxml"
parameter "logoutUri" "http://localhost/voicemail/vxmlscripts/mbxLogout.jsp"
end application
ccn engine
end engine
ccn reporting historical
database local
description "se-11-11-11-31"
end reporting
ccn subsystem jtapi
ccm-manager address
end subsystem
ccn subsystem sip
gateway address ""
end subsystem
ccn trigger http urlname msgnotifytrg
application "msgnotification"
maxsessions 2
end trigger
ccn trigger http urlname mwiapp
application "ciscomwiapplication"
maxsessions 1
end trigger
ccn trigger sip phonenumber 8200
application "voicemail"
maxsessions 6
end trigger
service voiceview
no enable
end voiceview
voicemail default mailboxsize 2700
voicemail broadcast recording time 300
voicemail recording time 450
voicemail default messagesize 240
voicemail notification restriction msg-notification
voicemail mailbox owner "Ahmed" size 3000
description "Ahmed mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Alec" size 2700
description "Trish"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Annette" size 3000
description "Michell"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "AnnetteN" size 2700
description "Christopher Wellard"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Beauty" size 3000
description "Fax"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Bianca" size 3000
description "Bianca mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Bonginkosi" size 3000
description "Bonginkosi mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Cathy" size 3000
description "Cathy mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Chris" size 2700
description "Chris mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "David" size 2700
description "Kameel"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Dennis" size 2700
description "Ben"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Elisa" size 3000
description "Hillary"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Eugene" size 3000
description "Eugene mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Franciscoe" size 3000
description "Franciscoe mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Ginny" size 3000
description "Ginny mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Helio" size 2700
description "Sue"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Jayson" size 2700
description "Derek"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Jennifer" size 3000
description "Unused"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Jennifers" size 3000
description "Jennifers mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Kabelo" size 3000
description "Tsietsi"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Kathleen" size 3000
description "Kathleen mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Khosi" size 3000
description "Khosi mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Kyra" size 3000
description "Kyra mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Leon" size 2700
description "Nadine"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Lerato" size 2700
description "Unused"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Lucinda" size 2700
description "Lucinda mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Margaret" size 2700
description "Kumari"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Mogorosi" size 2700
description "Nicci"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Mzwakhe" size 3000
description "Mzwakhe mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Neo" size 3000
description "Neo mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Nicola" size 2700
description "Rafiq"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Nishel" size 3000
description "Nishel mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Niza" size 3000
description "Niza mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Paulus" size 3000
description "Paulus mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Reception" size 2700
description "Reception mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Sam" size 3000
description "Sam mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Sheila" size 2700
description "Sandra"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Steve" size 3000
description "Steve mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Terry" size 2700
description "Dae Mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Thandi" size 2700
description "Thandi mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Tim" size 3000
description "Tim mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Tshepiso" size 3000
description "Gabrielle mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Varenka" size 3000
description "Varenka mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Wihan" size 3000
description "Wihan mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Wynand" size 3000
description "Wynand mailbox"
end mailbox
voicemail mailbox owner "Zinzi" size 2700
description "Keshia"
end mailbox
11-06-2012 08:43 AM
sh run looks ok, can u give me the Team Viewer to check out of the CUE GUI.
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