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Member since ‎08-03-2001

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I have a DSP resource exercise that I'm struggling with so I thought I'd throw it out here to see if anyone is up for the challange.First I'll start by saying I use the DSP calculator all the time and have just tried the new one that has the G2 route...
I'm trying to get peoples general thoughts/feedback on running UC 8.0 on UCS. We are begining to propose this as an option for customers but are getting some push back from our local Cisco office that it's to early to start proposing.Our recomendatio...
In reviewing the various docs on CCO it seems to alway show the 6120 FI dual homing to a pair of upstream core or aggragation switches. I;m trying to understand the advantages of dual homing vs just running strain port channels from Fabric A to its n...
We have a pair of 6120s connected to a single chassis. We have the management interfaces set up asFabric a = b = IP HA cluster is showing active and operational.Issues:We can access the system fine by ...
I am trying to find out information on EIM 4.3 and support with IPCC Express. I see SRNDs, Release Notes, etc. on CCO but nothing says anything about support with IPCC Express 7.x. Does anyone have experience or know of any good docs out there. The c...
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Member Since ‎08-03-2001 05:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 187