Mathieu Sturm
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Member since ‎12-06-2012

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One of our students always gets an error when she tries to connect to our vpn. For everyone else it works but not with her. She gets the VPN client driver encountered an error. Please restart your computer or device, then try again.and AnyConnect was...
Will the 2702 AP require the full 15W? Should a switch labeled as POE+ give every AP enough power? The HP procurve 2530-24G POE+ deliveres 195W but we're not sure if it can support all 24 ports. 
2 access points are stuck in downloading. They have the default version from factory but we are still in wlc version.We are getting these errors. They are in a remote location. Can I use a special command to reset the device? Or  ...
How can you see what the acl on our WLC5508 is denying? The counter keeps on going up but what is getting blocked is nowhere to be seen.
We're having a problem with ios devices for some time now. When connected to an SSID on the iPad I can't switch  to another SSID. I have to use the button "forget this network" to connect with another SSID. Are there others that are facing this probl...
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Member Since ‎12-06-2012 02:38 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-04-2019 12:49 AM
Posts 40
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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