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Member since ‎11-08-2005

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anyone has done a backup of cisco prime analytics and asurance? need help. I can do the Asurrance backup. but can't do both analytics and assurance .
anyone has done a backup of cisco prime analytics and asurance? need help. I can do the Asurrance backup. but can't do both analytics and assurance .
I have a sip trunk to cucm ver 10.5, and i am trying to go to missed call or received calls and be able to dial from there when I received a call, what ever i do, i see that the sip protocol is striping any digit that i add via the calling party tran...
cisoco 7965 automatically dial out a number when you pick up the handset and when you call the phone , it goes to vm. I check the phone and there is no call forward and I am not doing plar. but when i reset the phone the issue goes away. I am wonderi...
I have a dell 1950 server 2.3 kz cpu and 16 gb Ram and 1T hard disk space,and i installed esxi 5.5. I could not installed all the suite 10x for my ccie lab, I ran out of resources.. I used the ova template on cisco site to build my machine, but i ran...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-08-2005 01:56 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-08-2018 12:24 PM
Posts 13