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Member since ‎08-05-2015

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in corporate vpn network, how to monitor the important traffic telemetry from the endpoints? thanks
we set up a small company, no domain controllers, work mostly on Macs and Linux with some Windows, and utilize SaaS for application.  nonetheless we still want to do our best to protect the security of our IT system, can you give me any name of tools...
I have a CE router and advertise  a new prefix, PE/CE runing BGP and  P router runs ospf and LDP   so PE router will receive this prefix, my question is does P router has this new prefix in its routing table, if yes, how ...
I'm a CCNP RS holder , my CCNP expired on Mar.1.2019, so my question is when i can retake the exam, is it free of charge? can i retake CCNP RS exam at Aug.30.2018?   can i retake only 300-135 troubleshoot and without retaking 300-101 and 300-115? tha...
Hi, our requirement is when physical server attach, then policy apply. can we  change resolution option to "pre-provision" instead of "on-demand" from immediate. thanks
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Member Since ‎08-05-2015 02:48 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-29-2020 07:48 PM
Posts 209
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