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Level 1
Member since ‎08-16-2017

User Statistics

  • 51 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
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  • 18 Helpful votes Received
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User Activity

Can anyone advise the best way to upgrade a quad supervisor 9600 chassis?I've used ISSU sucessfully once following cisco documentation, but that was as soon as the chassis was put into production as a test and it worked perfectly, the 2nd time 18 mon...
When browsing to the finesse login page I'm getting prompted to identyfy myself with a certificate, and a selection of local client certificates are listed,whether I select one, or press cancel the site loads fine and works normally. The server has a...
I'm enabling export anchor on a 9800 for a coproprate network. The policy currently is applied to a number of SSID, so I've cloned the policy and enabled the 'Export Anchor' config.The Foriegn anchor is an AireOS 5520, I've created an idently named S...
I have a bunch of S2S VPN's terminating to an edge ASA firewall.I'd like to add a new ASA/FTD appliance inside our network for the VPN's to terminate to. We have dual WAN circuits so if a specific circuit drops currently we lose the VPN connections u...
Pretty sure this isn't possible, but worth an ask.I'd like to policy route some of our traffic based on application awareness. This is all being done by a Sophos XG and then routed via an alternate link to an ASA which is one of our internet /AnyConn...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-16-2017 12:03 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-24-2024 10:46 PM
Posts 51
Total Helpful Votes Received 18