Jeff Cooper
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Member since ‎04-24-2011

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Hello, have a uc540 running 8.62. Have an extension when it's in use, doesn't light the blf on other users phones. IE ext 110 picks up the phone and is in a call. Rest of users on system with a watch mapped to the ext 110 DN, don't see the ext ...
Client interested in purchasing the wireless conference phone - cp-8831 - for use with a uc560 8.6(2)...  that possible?not seeing it in the type list, but perhaps there's an equivalent that can "fake it"thx
Every client has a unique request/comment.  My current client thinks the uc560 works too well.  It's 8.6.2   When the client transfers a call and the caller is dumped to the new receipient, the client thinks it's "too clean", "too perfect".  Is there...
I've a uc560 with direct dial intercoms setup.  8.6.2.  Clients often complain that the intercom is too stealthy.  It just comes on and it could be used during a sensitive conversation.Is there a way to add a "tone" to the intercom?thanks/
Hello.  UC540 862.  I have a door intercom i have patched into the phone system via FXS port (will not use FXO).  When the button is pressed on the door intercom, you get a dial tone over the speaker and the FXS port is open.   Is there a method to h...
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Member Since ‎04-24-2011 08:42 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-20-2023 08:29 AM
Posts 80
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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